Nothing is Impossible
The human race has entered a new environment. It is a time where we can choose expansion into a new awareness. In my lifetime I have seen this evolving.
When I was young we were not allowed to talk about our feelings. Only “crazy” people went to therapy. I’m tempted not to use this word but Mind Control was being used. Yes on a very personal level I experienced mind control. The reward and punishment system was at play. And the stakes were high, as the punishments were brutal if one dared speak their truth of the brutality.
And now we are experiencing choices. We have the choice to tear down the invisible fences, which had kept us imprisoned. I am experiencing a time where people are open to discussing the old world games of Control Mechanisms. The controls got so bad that it left people of my generation with little choice, we certainly were not going to repeat this way of being. We got to choose to create a new form. We are choosing authentic understanding. We are choosing to understand the forces at play. Play does not pertain to children in this case! Although as a child the mechanisms of this Patriarchal Illuminati System involved our participation. However for some reason most of us had a force of love greater than the force of Power by control, and this Love Force is what brought us to this Great new time of expansion.
People of my generation seemed to have been searching for this understanding and information and truth that is setting us free. In my own life it has taken me time to be comfortable with this new reality. I had to crawl out from the lies that I believed as truth. I had to re-learn how to love myself. I had to transcend fear. I have had to re-introduce parts of myself that disassociated and bring them home, so to speak, into my heart. I have had to understand the co-creation of it all for a great learning and forgive all the participants of this co-creation. It’s been a slow process maybe necessarily so, to transcend the old reality. Our society is in a transition, and I am a part of this movement towards freedom. This is a dazzling moment to behold.
There are many seekers of truth at this time. Many people who hold a broad perspective, which is helping others on this journey towards a new humanity. The big perspective is necessary to see have our universe works. We need to see from this big perspective because with this big view or understanding we can know that everything is a great learning. We are all part of the big picture of expansion. We are all very important perspectives for source to understand herself. And with this big learning we are returning to the knowledge that we are unconditionally loved and we are all connected. And with that we will know that we are okay in what ever we encounter. We are not judging anymore. We are curious about all situations. We have replaced judgement with curiosity.
As we are trying to understand our crazy world, and reconcile with all the madness and violence. We have come to realize we must go inward to find a solution. This is because every thing in the world is a mirror, and what is happening on the outside is a manifestation of what is happening on the inside. I came to realize that I couldn’t look in the mirror if I am sad and expect the reflection in the mirror to be smiling. I would not yell at the mirror and command it to smile. I had to come to the conclusion that I must start to be the smile. If we believe that the negative events that are affecting our lives originate from outside of ourselves we can find proof of this belief, because it is our negativity that will create the negative exterior. These negative things grow naturally from our conscious and unconscious beliefs that we hold about ourselves.
I distinctly remember the day, yes, the exact day, that it dawned on me that I had co-created the unspeakable abuse that my father perpetrated upon me. I was thinking about the concept of forgiveness. When all of a sudden the thought popped into my head, “there was nothing to forgive,” and I was not a victim and he was not a perpetrator. On that sunny day as I was sitting on the terrace, crying, the thought that came to me released me from my negative world. My tears stopped. I saw the beauty in my father’s and my co-creation. Because had it not been for the pain I would not have had this miraculous softening in my heart. Love poured it in, Love for myself, a love that was greater than any I had known before for myself. I was not foolish enough to think that my father understood any of this, but that did not matter. I did not need his participation in my realization. On a soul level I am convinced he knows. I think this was the day where my true understanding of how the world works came to be. There were many more years to follow up working through and dissolving the lies that I had believed about the dance that we all acted out in my family of origin.
Fortunately I was born with the love in my heart that was stronger than the control. And somehow I have always been an optimistic person, thankfully. I realized I could walk away from all negativity and live a life without blame or condemnation. I now can look at life with the curiosity instead of judgment and polarization. More and more humans are taking this same path. This path inspires people to consider their own uniqueness and beauty and sacredness. With this acceptance new possibilities are generated.
In understanding how we are unconditionally loved we understand profound creation, profound creativity. We as a human race had to believe the lie that we were unlovable and that we were separate from source in order to see the opposite. This is where we are now, embarking on a new phase of life as a human. It’s exciting. Just think if we were so amazingly creative to have created the belief that we are not worthy of unconditional love, that we are disconnected from creation, that we willingly created this illusion, we must have had a very good reason! Yes and the reason we have experienced this for many many thousands of years is to realize that we ARE connected to creation and we ARE unconditionally loved. In doing this we now can experience the actual creative act, the actual moment and act of creation!
When we realize this we realize that NOTHING is impossible!