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Reality Creators (we are always doing it)

This morning, REALLY early, like 2 am, as I had gone to bed in a state of grief at 7 p.m., I checked out Facebook and saw that a young woman from a spiritual group that I follow posted:

"It sometimes feels like I am bombarded with information on how to create reality and do better. It's a process. "

In response I wrote, " We are ALWAYS creating our reality, nothing has to be done."

She answered, "True, but not everyone knows that."

This got me thinking. Wow, you mean not everyone knows this? I need to shout it out to the world. We CREATE OUR OWN REALITY! ALWAYS! On the same note, lots of people don't realize how they are awesome at and ALWAYS MANIFESTING! It's one of the universal laws of this third dimensional reality, LAW OF ATTRACTION. So if someone thinks, "Gee, I am terrible at manifesting, look at how poor I am etc." I say to them, "You are GREAT at manifesting LACK."

Which could wake that person up to the fact that they ARE great at manifesting, and if they are so good at manifesting lack, they could also be great at manifesting abundance. They would realize that their beliefs and thoughts are creating their reality, and they must have predominate thoughts about lack and beliefs that prove to them that this is their reality. So THROW OUT the old beliefs and create, or remember, the beliefs that support the truth, which is we are all full of light and love and all the abundance in the universe is available to us. Watch your thoughts and the way you talk. Are you thinking nervous thoughts, are you creating stress? Or are you being self-critical? seeing the glass half empty? Then that's what you get!

Of course you have to lift the veil of all these old beliefs and thought habits or patterns and watch yourself. It's not that hard to do if you devote the time to have awareness. I have done it. And if I can so can anyone. In the next entries I'll walk you through of the ways I lifted the veil.

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