I Promise I am there for You
My husband and I entered back into couples counseling. This time we went to a healer that does deep transformational work. She is not...
Nothing is Impossible
The human race has entered a new environment. It is a time where we can choose expansion into a new awareness. In my lifetime I have...
Letting Go
We’re going to Ireland in a few weeks. We’ll go to the house that my family has lived in for over 35 years. The reason for our trip is to...
Why are we here? (for expansion of course!)
I really do believe that we all came here to this human form to be expressions of source energy and expressions of our higher self. With...
Belief Bursting (on the feeling of emptiness)
I have often felt as if I don’t know myself and I don’t know what I need to do, or “should” do or even what I want to do. This causes me...
Reality Creators (we are always doing it)
This morning, REALLY early, like 2 am, as I had gone to bed in a state of grief at 7 p.m., I checked out Facebook and saw that a young...
my new boss, grief, (a grief recovery tool.)
I think it was in the year 2000 maybe it was 1999, a friend of mine suggested that perhaps I should attend a hospice sponsored grief...